Short Description of the application (use case) within the EnerMan framework (max 5-7 lines)

The AVL test field will serve as a pilot to demonstrate the ENERMAN system architecture and to provide various kinds of data for data aggregation, post-processing and prediction, with a clear focus to lower the overall energy consumption and to decrease the environmental impact of the test field. The AVL test field consists of facilities for testing powertrain systems of any kind as well as complete vehicle testing. The tests being performed are typical tests from the development of automotive products as well as serial production validation tests.

Description of the Key Competencies related to EnerMan (max 3-5 lines)

AVL’s expertise in the broad range of powertrain engineering covering the entire automotive development phase serves as input to identify and optimize key parameters in the automotive sector, especially in the area of test fields. The existing energy management system provides the basis for EnerMan.