1 – Smart Energy Management System (EMS) that is able to predict process consumption in order to avoid energy drifts and losses, able to give notifications alarm and to do feedback actions. This system will be based on the improvement of the existing monitoring tool with ML, AI algorithms on a central server that processes data from the field. It would be appropriate to develop specific low-cost acquisition meters as an alternative to the current expensive commercial ones
2 – Predictive BEMS (Building Energy Management System) for the control and regulation of environmental indoor heating of the working areas. This system will be based on data provided by a network of temperature meters for elaboration with ML algorithms.
The skills of CRF are about coordination, research and engineering consulting about industry 4.0 and energy topic. CRF team has the know-how on consumption of the plant related to the process production line and industrial buildings for analysis of energy efficiency solutions.
1 – Degreasing tank and Base topcoat Air Handling Unit for process utilities control
2 – Industrial workshop building for environmental heating control
ASAS will employ the EnerMan solution for its trigeneration plant in order to make the system autonomous and able to predict the economic cost of the consumed energy by optimizing energy need of client process, and energy market data, and ERP system.
ASAS is an energy intensive industry mainly on aluminium industry. In order to recycle the residual energy, trigeneration facilities of ASAS produces electricity, steam and hot water. Hot water and steam are used in the aluminium anodizing facility. ASAS is also active in day-ahead electricity market which means prediction of energy consumption is very essential. Monitoring of current processes are done by ERP system.
ASAS Akyazı Facilities, Sakarya, Turkey
This is the main machine at Trigeneration facility. There is an alternator in front of the gas engine.
Steam boiler waste heat boiler obtained from waste heat from the exhaust gas of the engine. The cooling water circulating in the engine is again met with hot water need of anodizing facility. Cooling is performed by electric steam hot water and ABS chiller.
The AVL test field will serve as a pilot to demonstrate the EnerMan system architecture and to provide various kinds of data for data aggregation, post-processing and prediction, with a clear focus to lower the overall energy consumption and to decrease the environmental impact of the test field. The AVL test field consists of facilities for testing powertrain systems of any kind as well as complete vehicle testing. The tests being performed are typical tests from the development of automotive products as well as serial production validation tests.
AVL’s expertise in the broad range of powertrain engineering covering the entire automotive development phase serves as input to identify and optimize key parameters in the automotive sector, especially in the area of test fields. The existing energy management system provides the basis for EnerMan.
Johnson and Johnson – Applied Innovations Sensing and IOT team are focused on the development of sensing systems for process, product control and predictive maintenance, advanced manufacturing technologies and sustainability We also bring significant experience in areas from low level sensing to advanced data analytics and general ICT competencies. We will use these skills to help test and improve the EnerMan platform to create a platform that adds significant benefits to J&J in its aim to reduce carbon emissions in the next 5 year.
IFAG contribution in EnerMan is through the development of a high-tech use case of an energy-optimized global virtual factory. The energy efficient virtual factory will be built using a simulation software called Anylogic which will simulate the manufacturing network of IFAG.
The simulation will be supported by energy historical data from IFAG wafer fabrication facilities. This simulation can be used to test different scenarios such as energy consumption scenarios and prepare a good basis for decision-making based on ecological as well as economic factors which is referred to as Energy Sustainability in EnerMan.
The process of making the laser diode for the production of high-efficiency lasers is the key technology that is analyzed and developed within the EnerMan project. The main purpose of the PE use case is to develop a high efficiency laser source for the optimization of the metal additive manufacturing process.
The skills of the Prima Electro team lie in the development and production of high-power electronic and laser components (with the Convergent brand) for the Prima Industrie Group and for external markets. The Convergent Division is strongly vertically integrated from the fiber laser to the optical components: this includes the internal production of high-power diode lasers, the technology of which is based on a new diode plant located in Turin.
Secondary Steelmaking is Highly Energy Intensive Process related to multiple internal and external Meltshop parameters and conditions. Meltshop is equipped with modern industrial network infrastructure and Level 2 automation control and reporting system. Meltshop employees are highly skilled and very well trained.
This use case will focus on assets that enable an energy sustainability management framework in order to adopt a more efficient energy-consumption profile at the chocolate manufacturing plant.
YIOTIS is an expert in secure data sharing domain and system testing and validation. YIOTIS will trial the EnerMan framework to assess energy management optimization in terms of environmental footprint and costs in the food industry. Primary Energy Saving (PES) and CO2 Emissions Savings (CES) is targeted
This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement n° 958478
Get more Information: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/958478
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